

Top 24 Tips on How to Become a Successful Real Estate Agent

   Last Updated On: April 2, 2020 | By Kris Gonsalves

This can also be a guide on the Top 24 on How to Close the Deal as a Real Estate Agent.
As a real estate agent, we know you're always trying to find ways to build your brand and generate more sales. We know this isn't the easiest task either. So, our team at Agency Gifts has searched long and hard to bring you the top 24 touch points that'll help you close the deal and build your brand.

Tip 1: Be Tenacious 

Starting out as a real estate agent is like being a small fish in a pond full of sharks. Some of your colleagues have years and years of experience and a book of clients to match. Although this can be intimidating at first, having that positive mindset will ensure that you become just like (or even better than) the rest of the sharks in your brokerage. Making sure you're patient and allowing yourself to identify and follow through on opportunities is key to building your brand successfully. Something you can try is offering a helping hand to your colleagues with open houses. Offering to help with open house coverage in exchange for access to any direct buyers who attend these events will give you the ability to begin to build your client base. You'll be able to build the foundation and grow a relationship for an immediate sale or a bigger one down the line.

2: Make Sure Your Timing Is Right

Whether you're starting your own business or buying and selling properties, timing is everything. Being realistic with the amount of time you need to start to make money and the times which are best to sell is crucial for your success. This can be challenging for some Real Estate Agents but, being able to recognize trends in the market is a valuable asset and can lead to larger opportunities and will save you from wasting your time. Also, understanding timing when planning and budgeting will give you a fighting chance in today's competitive market.

Tip 3: Do Your Research

Doing your research before jumping on a client can save you a large amount of time and can make you a lot more money. Being able to determine what properties and clients you choose will help you not only build a good reputation but, create a great foundation for future sales. Doing research doesn't end with your clients and properties. Researching yourself and what your reputation is will give you a better idea of where you can improve as well as what you should be continuing to do. 

Tip 4: Be A Student of the Game

The saying "nobody's perfect" could not be truer in the world of real estate. With trends in the market always changing, there is no one true way to sell homes and close deals. Being able to learn and pick up things along the way is crucial to your success as a realtor. Learning can also be just listening to clients needs. Every client is different but a lot of their needs are similar. By listening to and learning about different clients, you'll have the tools to deal with any challenges that come your way in the future. 

Tip 5: Step Up Your Social Media Game

Today, communication is huge and what better way to communicate with your clients than with something they use every day. People are always using social media. Whether its to keep up with trends or just to pass the time, it is the most constant form of communicating messages to other people. Building your social media presence is just another way to build your contact list. Being able to effectively communicate with your clients through social media and keeping them notified on everything that's happening can close a deal without you doing much work. People feel connected to you even if you have never met them and the foundation to a business relationship will be strong when you do get in front of them to sell a home. Make sure you have more than one social media platform where you are consistently posting content for your followers as it will allow you to generate leads and more importantly more sales. 

Tip 6: Create Value for Your Clients

With the endless amount of information that's out there today, anybody can find a home for sale. In fact, with this endless information, people can find just about any realtor they want to find the home of their dreams for them. With that being said, the million dollar question is; How do I make sure they choose me? The answer to this question is pretty simple, value. Giving your clients value to justify their choices is key for closing the next deal. Knowing what value you bring as a realtor is crucial to your success. Christopher Lazarus from Sellect Realty LLC and the Forbes Real Estate Council, says that "when we focus on creating value for others, we create trust with our audience". This statement speaks volumes when talking about value. Once you create trust within your client base, you open yourself up to many new opportunities. 

Tip 7: Fall in Love With The Process

Gary Vaynerchuk is famous for this statement and he has a point. When you fall in love with everything that comes before the sale you become a master at getting to the end of the sale quickly and more efficiently. From finding the lead to prospecting future clients, becoming obsessed with each detail will express your passion for what you and that will translate to your clients. Make sure you ensure that your only purpose is to make sure that your clients get the highest level of service and that you are there solely to solve their problems. This will show your clients that you truly do care about them and their needs which will more than likely lead to sales and opportunities in the long run.

8: Don't Sell, Coach 

Nobody wants to be "sold" a decision. They would rather feel like they are making the decision for themselves and that the decision they are making isn't forced. Instead of trying to just sell the home, coach your clients and guide them to satisfy the needs they described to you at the beginning of the buying process. This means putting the client's needs before your own, which will let the relationship lasting longer and make you top of mind when your client's are giving referrals.

Tip 9: Know Your Market

Being able to understand your target market fully is a major advantage that can lead to growing a client base quickly. For new real estate agents, understanding everything from the car the client drives to what they do on the weekends is a great tool in finding the right fit client. This will give you information without trying to get it out of your clients and will also make them feel more comfortable working with you. Understanding your target will also allow you to tailor your approach so that it fits your client's needs. 

Tip 10: Website Efficiency

When starting your real estate career, it is very important to align yourself with a strong broker. It is a lot easier to build a business if you have the proper mentor who has insights on the situations you are soon to experience. Many agents career fails due to the lack of support when they need it. Remember when selecting a broker if the price is non-existent, you get what you pay for. Along with your social media platforms, your website should be something that your clients can go to for more information. This is another form of communication between you and the client. Your website should be easy to navigate through and should be visually appealing as well. Inside this visually appealing website, there should be an area that has all of your contact information, credentials, and an option to sign up for alerts regarding new listings in the client's area of interest. By having these features on your website you will grow your database.

Tip 11: Build a Database 

The foundation of any business is a database. This database, in a realtors case, should have properties that are for sale, buyer information, prospect information, and potential future listings. what you need in a database is one thing, building it is another. To build your database, you can use your website, open houses, and networking events that will help you gain beneficial information for future use. Once you have a database in place, you'll see that your client base will grow stronger.

Tip 12: Communication is Key

Throughout our research one topic was repetitive. This was that keeping communication at a constant with current clients and potential clients is crucial to closing deals. Whether it be through social media, your website, or speaking with clients on the phone, gifting them promotional gifts on their special days, communication between you and your client base will make or break your career as a real estate agent. Being diligent with how quickly you text your client's back will show your clients that you care about them and want to do business with them. This even goes for phone calls. Try to answer your phone every time it rings and if you can't answer, make sure you call back as soon as you can. This will also show that you are interested in your clients and are reliable.

Tip 13:  Network Network Network

Similar to building a database, networking is foundational to growing as a realtor. Going to events to network and gain insight from other people in the same field will do nothing but benefit you and help you build your knowledge. Networking isn't just talking to people and hearing their insights and opinions, you can also network through helping people out. Like we talked about in the first tip, offering to help people with your knowledge, skills, or expertise is not only good relationship building between your colleagues but can also make you the first person they think of when they need a referral.

Tip 14: Create A Newsletter

Having something your clients can see on a monthly basis is an effective way to make sure that your clients have your name top of mind for referrals and other opportunities. Whether it's through emails or a physical newsletter in the mail, sending them out is one of the best strategies for building client relationships. Inside your newsletter, you should have information on upcoming open houses, new listings, news about the housing market and other helpful tools. A great example of a newsletter service that is effective is the "Touch 24" newsletter. It has everything from info, to testimonials, to small things to help you pass the time. This newsletter is also customizable and gives you the ability to have your name all over the newsletter. These newsletters are always effective and a great way for new agents to get their name out there.

Tip 15: Let People Say Nice Things About You

A little ego boost never hurt anybody. So the best way to gain traction and get your name out there as a credible person is through testimonials. Testimonials are a great way to generate business because essentially, people are talking about how great your service was. Once you have enough credible testimonials, you'll notice that more people will just believe you without you having to do much. This will also help you out with building your client book. One of the most effective forms of marketing is word of mouth marketing. Generally, if you provide exceptional service for your clients they will tell their friends and family who will then come to you and the cycle will continue. Once you have this reputation of exceptional service, you will continue to see your success grow.

Tip 16: Learn How to Turn Rejection into Sales

Changing somebodies mind can be a difficult task, especially when selling homes. Your potential clients will come at you with multiple objections and reasons why they can't buy something. Being able to counter those objections with solutions will increase your success and inevitably make you more money. Trying to find out what exactly is holding your client back is a key step in overcoming objections. You can do this by either asking them straight out what's holding them back or, by asking a series of questions to give you more information. Asking questions may be a valuable tool but, it is not the only way to overcome objections. Painting a picture in your prospects head is another great way to do this as well. By creating a vision for your clients, you are essentially giving them no reasons to object and not buy the home. If they can see themselves in the home they will more than likely buy the home. Once you can overcome objections, you will find more success.

Tip 17: Honesty is the Best Policy

If there is one thing that you can use both when working and in life, it's being honest. Being honest with your clients may not sound like much but it has a massive impact on your business. Honesty has many benefits. Firstly, it keeps your reputation healthy. Being honest with your clients on your opinions will give your clients give them the ability to trust your word and make the sale go more smoothly. This will also build your reputation as an honest agent. Secondly, being honest with not only your clients but with yourself will help you stay on track with your goals. It can be easy to stray away from your goals sometimes so, being honest with yourself and accepting that you fell off and need to come back to your goals will make sure you do just that. Finally, being honest will help build your client relationships. When your clients view you as an honest person they will come to you for more than just real estate. They will have enough trust in you to not only sell their home but to be their friend. Honesty, combined with a number of other things, will help you sell homes with ease.

Tip18: Be the Hunter Not the Prey

Always looking for leads and potential clients is a great way to stay relevant in the world of real estate. Like a hunter, you always should have a plan of attack. This means knowing where your leads are and when to pursue them. Understanding if the lead is warm or if it's dead will help save you time and will allow you to put more of your efforts towards different ventures. This will also train your brain to point out the signs of a warm lead before you finish researching. The only way to do any of this is to be always hunting for your leads. Making it a habit to look for new clients at least one day a week will build your database as well as build that client book all realtors are always eager to grow. A good hunter always chooses the right weapon to hunt their prey, the same thing goes for generating leads. You can cold call areas that have a higher number of houses for sale to see if other people would like to sell their homes. Also, you can send out an ad on social media where prospects can fill out a form to get in touch with you and inquire about buying or selling homes. Getting leads on your own is not the only way you can generate them. Giving your current clients closing gifts like cutting boards or key chains for buying or selling a home with your name on it will bring the leads to you. This tactic is fairly easy and will definitely give you business. Companies like Agency Gifts specialize in these types of closing gifts and make sure your name gets out there. All it takes is for one of your client's friends or family to see one of these gifts to plant a seed in their head to buy or sell a home with you.

Tip 19: Reach Out To Clients

Helping your clients buy or sell their home should not be where your relationship ends. You should be reaching out to them on a scheduled basis. The intent of reaching out to clients is to continue the relationship as well as to possibly generate some referrals in the process. You also should not be looking for referrals either. Contacting past clients to ask how they like the home you helped them buy or their favorite feature of their home is a great way to lead into asking for a referral. You should also be prepared to give referrals out as well. Some clients may experience some issues with their home or would like to renovate right away after purchasing homes, so having contractors that you can refer to your clients is something you should keep in your pool of resources..

Tip 20: Be Resourceful 

In the previous tips, we talk about having an answer to your client's solutions. The best way to answer these questions is to have all of your resources in check. Make sure your relationship with builders, contractors, insurance brokers, financial advisors, etc. is strong and that you are all on the same page. This will give you an answer to any possible questions or concerns that a client may have. Having your resources at your fingertips will also help you give answers quickly and efficiently and will give your clients or even prospects no reason to say no.

Tip 21: Brag About Things

In today's society, fear of missing out (or FOMO for short) has become a major trend. Now you might be asking how this relates to real estate or how this even can help you gain clients and close deals. Well, bragging about happy clients and selling homes is actually an asset when trying to grow your database. The more exciting information people see, the more they want to be a part of what's going on. So by showing the rest of your audience how happy your clients are with your work through social media or whatever means of communication you use, you will create that buzz and FOMO amongst them and generate more clients. This seems like an unorthodox tool, but it is actually useful when generating leads.

Tip 22: Stay Current

Along with your social media platforms, your website should be something that your clients can go to for more information. This is another form of communication between you and the client. Your website should be easy to navigate through and should be visually appealing as well. Inside this visually appealing website, there should be an area that has all of your contact information, credentials, and an option to sign up for alerts regarding new listings in the client's area of interest. By having these features on your website you will grow your database.

Tip 23: Be Willing to Share

Being able to share is one of the most difficult but rewarding things a realtor can do. If you feel like you shouldn't be sharing knowledge and experience, think about when you first started your journey as a young fresh realtor with nothing to your name. You were taken under the wing of a mentor or somebody you looked up to, so why not do the same for others? There is a benefit to sharing with others as well. Not only will you build a new relationship, but you may learn something from the person you are sharing the information with and potentially see things from a different perspective. You can only grow from sharing your experience with people in the industry. It will help grow your networking skills and teach you how to mentor different people. Once people come to you for advice you will understand that everything you've done has paid off.

Tip 24: Be Yourself

No one realtor is the same nor is there one perfect way to close a deal. There is one thing that a realtor can do that will aid their success. This aid is being yourself. By being yourself and not some robotic salesman, you are opening yourself up to your clients and making them understand that you are a human being just like them. Being yourself also gives you the ability to put your own spin on a sales method and tweak things that make you feel more comfortable. This will make selling homes become seamless and will make you feel like you aren't working. Once you show yourself to your clients you are giving them something to relate with you on and become more comfortable with working with you. They will understand that you are genuine and understand that your main goal is to give them not only a home but a place of comfort where they can create their memories.

These 24 touch points were put together to help you close deals as a realtor. Using all or any combination of these tips you will start to see success in your endeavors. These touch points do not only apply to real estate. You can use these tips in any career or in everyday life. Our goal is to help you become a successful realtor as quickly and efficiently as possible. 
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We found these 10 things to be important when starting out a career in real estate.